Celebrate Fairtrade in Thornbury 11th May 2024 – 10pm to 3pm

Fairtrade is about better prices, safe working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers, and you will see the Fairtrade mark on product that meet their standards. You may associate the Fairtrade logo with just bananas, chocolate and coffee but since it was launched 30 years ago the list of products has grown to include products from flowers and gold to tea and cotton.

Thornbury is a Fairtrade Town and on 11th May we will be celebrating International Fairtrade Day with an event in St Mary shopping centre.  This will highlight where you can find Fairtrade products here in Thornbury. There will also be samples to taste, a fun opportunity to test yourself in a blind-tasting, as well as music and short films about the farmers and growers and the challenges they face.

Do stop by to find out how you can support local businesses and help transform the lives of people living around the world, all while shopping here in Thornbury.